Take advantage of our online forms to conveniently fill out all necessary paperwork before dropping your beloved pets off with us.
Our forms are all avaliable in PDF format, to be filled out easily on your computer and printed, or e-mailed directly to our staff at faxlspetdocs@gmail.com.
This gives you the ability to take the time to read and prepare any questions or concerns you may have regarding your pet, for our veterinary care team to address.
New Client Information Form
This form is required to be filled out at the time of your first visit with us. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with our policies and procedures here, before downloading and filling out your new client information form.
Surgical Admissions Form
This form is required to be filled out every time your pet has a procedure that requires anesthesia. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with our surgical policies and procedures here, before downloading and filling out your surgical admissions form.
Drop Off Admissions Form
This form is required to be filled out every time your pet is dropped off with us. A drop off can be for routine care, or a sick visit. We provide our drop off service at no additional fee. Drop off’s are most often admitted between 7:30 AM and 8:00 AM, however can be scheduled to accommodate your schedule. Call for more details.
Boarding Admissions Form
This form is required to be filled out every time your pet stays with us. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with our policies and procedures here, before downloading and filling out your boarding admissions form.
Boarding Admissions Form
Grooming Admissions Form
This form is required every time your pet is groomed, to ensure our groomer gives your pet, the haircut you desire. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with our policies and procedures here, before downloading and filling out your boarding admissions form.
Grooming Admissions Form